By the lovely Tassie Deb...... so here goes....
1. How old are you?
292. How many kids do you have if any?
2..... Keenan 7 and Jorja 9 mths3. Are you married, single, divorced, widow?
living in joking.... de facto with my sometimes wonderful partner Mark.
4.What is your occupation?
5. What are your passions?
My kiddies and Mark.... scrapping, Home and Away (sad i know)and shopping!!!!6. Are you a dreamer or a dream seeker?
A dreamer7. Are you happy with the way you life has turned out?
Yes very much so....
8. Are you a scrapper and if so how many hours a week do you scrap?
Yes i'm a scrapper... and it hard to say... i scrap bits a peices during the day and finish pages when little Chubba is sleeping.9. What do you want to do before you die?
Go to Paris and LA on a HUGE shopping spree,win see my grandkids.....10. What is your favorite food?
Popcorn, fish and chips... yeah i know all junk food.... and i cant live without Coke Zero....
11. What is the food you hate the most?
Chinese food....12. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
cant think of anything...sorry13. What is the happiest day of your life thus far?
The day my kids where born...
14. Are you a neat freak? Or a dirty house cleaner?
Dirty house cleaner... i HATE folding the laundry... hate it hate it hate it... sorry makes me mad just thinking about having to do it!!!!Now let me see.... who to tag... I will tag Jodie (Arty Pants), Ruey (fellow DT)........Thats all from me today...Have some layouts to share but blogger is beening BAD... so will try tomorrow....
And just before i go... a big HUGE congrats to my old pals Tania and Andrew.. they are expecting their second baby in Feb next year... Congrats guys so happy for you both!!!!